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How to Collect and Track DEI Data With a Single Integrated Platform

If you want to fine tune your diversity recruiting strategies, collecting data is an excellent place to start. But it’s what you do with the data you collect that will let you know how well your diversity recruitment plan is working, and inform you of the adjustments that should be made to get the desired outcomes. Continue reading for best practices for collecting, analyzing, and using DEI data.

How to Collect DEI Data

The whole point of collecting DEI data is to get answers to specific questions about the effectiveness of your recruiting tactics. In order to get the most out of your data, it’s important to:

Find the right diversity recruiting platform

Although data can be collected manually, you will get the best results—as well as save a great deal of time—by using a diversity recruiting platform, or DRP. These platforms make diversity data collection easy because they allow you to identify, source, and engage with multiple talent demographics and know how well you’re doing attracting talent from historically underrepresented groups. 

Choose relevant metrics

Data is great to have, but you need to know what data is relevant to your goals. Collecting data about anything and everything won't help you make informed decisions that will improve your diversity recruiting processes. Instead you should decide what the pertinent metrics are—such as how many Black candidates are getting callbacks or how many women are being shortlisted—based on the talent shortfalls you're trying to correct.  

Break down data

To get a better idea of how your recruitment efforts are going, you may consider breaking down your data into smaller groups. For example, if you want to look at the intersectionality of the candidates you’re considering, you may want to break down your data of Black candidates to also look at how many Black women are applying for positions at your organization. In addition, you can take a larger data set and look at subsections of that group. This can be done by, for instance, breaking down Asian candidates by their specific nationality. This will give you more information that you can use to improve your recruitment strategies.

What Is a DEI Data Analysis?

A DEI data analysis involves looking at the facts and figures throughout the entire employee life cycle in order to paint a picture of how well your company is doing in terms of hiring talent from underrepresented communities, and to what extent you have created an inclusive and equitable environment that will increase the chances of retaining them. The following are some ways you can use D&I analytics to your advantage.

Understanding diversity problems in the workplace

Who is getting hired? Who isn’t? Who is being passed over for promotions? Who is getting the most compensation, despite being on the same level as other employees? The answers to these questions may be indicative of how well you’re doing recruiting the talent you want and treating them well once they get there. Your data will give you an idea of what you can do to improve recruiting, onboarding, and overall treatment of employees.

Identifying turning points in recruitment

Conducting regular DEI data analyses will allow you to find out in real time whether or not your recruitment approaches have improved your chances of meeting your diversity hiring goals or whether you need to change course. Having this data on hand shows you turning points regularly, so you can tweak your strategies when you’re below your targets and celebrate your wins when you’re hitting them.

Using the data to learn about your talent pool

You won't know if you're reaching your goals unless you know what your talent pool looks like. DEI data analysis will tell you who is applying for positions, who is getting called for interviews, and who is moving all the way through the funnel to being hired. Evaluating this information will tell you if you need to change the messaging in job descriptions to appeal to a certain group, adjust your interviewing style, or provide more equitable compensation to employees in all demographics.

Turn Your DEI Data Insights Into Actionable Steps in Your Recruitment Process

By tracking your D&I analytics, you get invaluable insights that will help you take actionable steps in your recruitment process. For example, if you find that a certain group that you'd like to recruit is not making it to the interview stage, you may want to review the criteria that you're using for evaluating candidates or revise your job advertisements. DEI data can empower you to take the steps you need to take, and make changes to your process instantly, so you can refine your recruitment approach and ultimately find a talent you need.

As you work toward your D&I goals, using DEI data can become an integral part of your process as it helps you understand where you are, and formulate strategies to help you get to where you want to go. Diversity data collection platforms can make this process easier and give you the tools you need to make the best decisions at the click of a mouse. 

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