As this election season comes to a close, we’d like to share some thoughts on what this moment means to us and how it impacts our mission.
Our mission is to make the world more equitable. And we believe that our products, supported by customers aligned to this mission, will lead to a world that fully embraces creating more equitable opportunity for everyone. While we advance towards this vision daily, it’s not lost on us that so many communities still face barriers to opportunity—often overlooked because of who they are, where they’ve worked, or what schools they’ve attended (if they’ve attended school at all). As a Tech company in one of the country’s largest economies, this is especially true of our industry. Despite our brands touching your homes, filling your phones, and living on your desktops, our industry doesn’t reflect the changing face of our country; let alone the growing diversity of our world.
Over the last four years, working towards a more inclusive community has been politicized in a country becoming more divided along identity and ideological lines. This doesn’t reflect the world we envision. At our company, we believe that one’s identity should be fully embraced in the workplace and that one’s lived experience is equally as important as one's output or resume. We know that building more diverse workforces requires an honest conversation about who’s not in the room and even more candor about why they’re not there.
As with all elections, but no more evidenced by this one, our country must heal from the deep division it’s experiencing. This is not to say that we should look past what makes us different in an effort to unite, but to embrace and celebrate what makes us individually unique as a means of coming together— including addressing the systemic inequities that continue to keep some of us from reaching the opportunities we pursue.
In this historic election season, where communities of every background exercised their civic duty in record numbers, ultimately electing the first Black, South-Asian, Woman as Vice President, we find ourselves even more invigorated by the opportunity to ensure stories like Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, Keisha Lance Bottoms are no longer the exception, but the norm. We’re also inspired by the level of energy and effort that marginalized communities continue to exert to create more equity for all in a country that hasn’t created equal opportunities for everyone; especially true for Black and African American communities.
Our products are only made great by the folks who use them. Said differently, it’s how and why our customers use our products that will accelerate us towards our vision. As we ready ourselves for another chapter of change, we hope you’ll join us on our mission as we work to do our part in bringing the change our country and broader global community is waiting for.
Hundreds of company partners are using our platform to connect, source, and engage top underrepresented talent, and even more are already a part of our Communities.